
Health Insurance Trustees


Gary Glaser – Chair|Secretary
Dan Nixon
Rufus Hamilton


John Green, Secretary
Carl Evans
Chris Freeman

Health Benefits

General Information

Email Financial Secretary Treasurer Dan Nixon for questions regarding your Health Insurance Benefits, Coverage, Summary Plan Description, HRA Balance, etc.

Local 98 members can choose to be part of one of two provider networks:

For more information about either, including a directory of participating physicians and hospitals, please visit their websites or call the Benefits Administrator, BeneSys, at (248) 641-4988.

Our Plan Excludes Coverage for Motor Vehicle Accidents!
In regards to motorcycle accidents, if the accident involves a motor vehicle coverage is excluded. If you are involved in a motorcycle accident which does not involve a motor vehicle (for example, a motorcycle hits a tree) then coverage would be provided by the Fund.

Contact your auto insurance agent immediately to make sure you are properly covered for such illnesses or injuries under your no-fault policy.

Costco Health Solutions

For additional information about Costco Health Solutions and your prescription benefit please visit:

DENCAP Dental Plans, Inc for Retirees
SVS Vision
BeneSys, INC Benefits Administrator
HRA - Health Reimbursement Account
Health Plan Advocate

Health Plan Advocate is a unique feature designed to help you and your family with your medical benefits and health questions. Health Plan Advocate can help you choose a doctor, especially when you are looking for a qualified specialist that participates in the Plumbers PPO option.

When you have a question about medical care or your health plan benefits, Health Plan Advocate will help you understand how to receive the maximum benefit under your plan. Whenever you or a family member is faced with a serious injury or illness.